Southern Region EMS Council Rentals

Equipment Rental

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Southern Region EMS Council, Inc. (SREMSC) maintains an extensive supply of EMS training equipment and DVDs, along with AHA® training equipment.

Equipment Rentals is on a first come first serve basis. To ensure that we have the equipment to meet your needs please request equipment as far out as possible.

For equipment availability or to place a reservation contact our Resource Coordinator by phone (907) 562-6449 or by email:

Equipment Kit Lists

Southern Region EMS Council

When renting equipment from SREMSC:

  • Check that the equipment has been received in clean and good working order before taking out.
  • Return the item in the condition in which it was rented: this means that the equipment will be cleaned prior to its return. Fees of $20 per item will be assessed if the item is not cleaned.
  • Report broken, damaged or lost equipment or parts of equipment.
  • Return the equipment or DVD by the stated due date, or immediately upon request of SREMSC. Late equipment returns will be assessed $5 per day/per item until the equipment is returned. Late DVD returns will be assessed $1 per day/per item until the DVD is returned.

* We do not rent equipment outside of Alaska

Classroom Rental

Southern Region EMS Council, Inc. (SREMSC) offers classroom rental.

For room rental availability and costs, please contact our Resource Coordinator at (907) 562-6449 or by email: